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I was watching Conan early last week when I heard a surprising development with regards to Marvel Comics' Spiderman franchise. Apart from introducing The Amazing Spiderman movie for the silver screen for next year (good marketing move, same thing they did with the comic books), they also introduced Miles Morales -- the new Spiderman, which is mixed with African-American and Latino genes. I checked out right away what the buzz was about.
This idea was introduced by Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso this month but was already in the works and was conceptualized as early as 2008. Miles Morales was created by Marvel and Image Comics mainstay writer Brian Michael Bendis; the brilliant mind behind The House of M series, to name one of his works. As far as the story is concerned, Miles Morales will be replacing Peter Parker after his death in The Ultimate Spiderman Series.
This was an obvious and bold (?) move to raise racial equality, considering that the United States has its first African-American President seated. However, this news definitely raised a lot of reactions and got fans into a web-swinging craze. If you think the shock ends there, think again. There were also concerns about a statement saying that they "may" write the story to where Miles will discover that he is gay. Yep. You read it right. Majority of the fans reacted negatively about this move by Marvel. There were even accounts of some fans protesting in this years' ComiCon in San Diego, CA.
As a Spiderman fan (minus the first 3 films which is OK but not great), I can see where Marvel is coming from. Let's be honest, there's really a need for change... but at the same time, a part of me was appalled by the move. The racial-equality issue is completely understandable. Also, Miles Morales exists in Marvel's Ultimate Universe which is an alternate universe for Marvel characters. For those that's not familiar... it's like a playground for writers to mix up the Marvel Universe and its characters without messing up the main storyline of the real characters. Same concept with a parallel universe for us. So technically, we still have your friendly neighbor Peter Parker roaming the streets and skyscrapers of New York.
Now, for hardcore Spiderman enthusiasts, I can somehow understand why such negative reactions are raised. Spiderman is Marvel's flag-bearer in which they may probably hold sacred. You can also point out that Peter Parker is one of the most popular and loved character ever created in the history of comic books. The mere idea of killing him in story will definitely have a few negative insights. Also, there are heroes that represented racial equality or different races such as Storm, Luke Cage, The Black Panther, Tarantula, Sunspot, Rictor, Strong Guy, Shangchi, Psylocke, Silver Samurai and many others that some fans may feel there's really no need for such change.
However, if you'll think of it... this change is not so bad at all. An African-American/Latino Spiderman actually works. Physically, his African-American lineage may give him that athletic and lean built in which Spiderman actually needs. You can't expect a radioactive spider to change your anatomic structure overnight even in comic books right? Give Miles a break. He exists in Marvel's Ultimate Universe which actually doesn't do Peter Parker any harm. Ben Riley came out in the open as Peter Parker's clone but it's not really a big deal right?
For the franchise itself, I must say that this is also a marketing move to possibly reach out to a different demographic. As they say, bad publicity is still publicity.
I have a different feeling though about the road Bendis is taking as far as Miles Morales' sexual orientation is concerned. If this is true, I must say that for the love of the franchise... I just don't think it fits the mold and is really a bad move. No offense to gay people but Spiderman being gay is not good. As what I said, he is the face of Marvel. That statement alone should speak for itself. I really don't consider the social-equality argument for this one. There are a lot of characters in the Marvel Universe that they can toy around just to make their case with regards to sexual equality but not Spiderman. Anyway, it's not yet printed and in ink so no worries for now and let's hope for divine intervention on this one to have them change their minds if you're with me.
In all, I'll just check and see what Miles Morales brings to the table. After all, it's all about readership. If things won't work out, it'll be pulled out.
what the fuck..? a gay spiderman..? no offense to the gay community but do they even read comic books..?
ReplyDeleteexactly tol... and to do it with Spiderman. It's just a bit off. Pati who buys comic books, kids. To introduce that to sort of issue to a kid... Pero yun nga di pa naman established yun sa storyline so we'll see. Western culture na rin.