Ultimate Marvel versus Capcom III Roster

Monday, August 1, 2011

Message in a Bottle

Now Playing: Best of You by Foo Fighters

Fact: A person must consume 2 litres of water daily to live healthily. Humans drink an average of 75,000 litres of water throughout their life.

If I was to give a person an option to choose between a glass of water straight from the faucet (municipal water) against a branded bottled water, there would probably be no contest at all. He/She will pick the latter. I'd probably have the same pick too. Of course, that "pure" and "clean" distilled or purified water will surely win a person over that notorious tap water.

But, are we making the right choice?

I saw Tapped a month ago while browsing through a couple of documentaries. It directly aroused my interest as it basically is about a product that I often purchase and patronize. Directed by Stephanie Soechtig and Jason Lindsey, Tapped tackles on the issues that the United States of America faces against the bottled water industry -- from how the water is taken from its natural source and effect on the community, business and political side of things and the health and environmental effect it has.

Now, it may be a documentary tailored for USA but there's no doubt that this is definitely applicable to us considering our colonial mentality and how some of the multi-national titans that we often see and hear each day plays a vital role in this issue. It definitely is something that each of us must be aware of. Out of sight means out of mind. Right? Well, I took the liberty of sharing some cut scenes from the movie (Disclaimer: I don't hold the rights to these videos and is posted to create awareness only).Maybe next time, you'll think twice before grabbing a bottled water.


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